Friday, August 12, 2011

Let's Make . . . A Pie for Mikey

My usual bedtime ritual is to read Twitter on my phone as a way to settle down. Late last Sunday night a tweet regarding someone I didn't follow but knew of through her lovely blog,, mentioned that Jennifer Perillo had lost her husband. As more details emerged it became apparent that he had died suddenly of a heart attack, leaving behind a young wife and two little girls. This hit home. . .hard. I don't know Jennifer in real life but I intimately know this. This pain of sudden loss. The way a little girl suddenly losing a daddy colors the rest of your life with what ifs and whys. It hurt my heart that these little girls would know the pain I knew. . .my dad died the same way when I was six and my sister was ten. We were forever changed. I had a hard time sleeping that night and this was on my mind all the next day. . .I felt out of sorts. . .it felt so strange to be so affected by someone I didn't know. This is what makes the Internet a truly beautiful place. As people far and wide offered Jennie Perillo love, hugs, hope, tears, help, or simply said they were sorry for her loss - people who would actually start their message by saying, "I don't know you . . ." it made me realize that even if we don't know someone in real life, it doesn't mean we don't share a common thread of human experience and that we can't reach out to each other.

Jennifer posted a beautiful tribute to her husband. In answering all the questions of how people could help her, she asked that people make Mikey's favorite, Creamy Peanut Butter Pie.

So I did as she asked, and I made a pie for Mikey. It was a cathartic experience. . .I thought about love, loss, dads, sweet little girls, hope, and how sharing a painful experience can make the weight a little lighter. I made mini peanut butter pies - little pies to share with people while telling them the story of Mikey and his wife, Jennifer Perillo. . .who I've never met but who touched my heart deeply.

Jennifer's Blog Post and Peanut Butter Pie Recipe


Chris said...

Lovely post and tribute..

White Toast with Butter said...

Very touching.

Adam de Boor said...

Such a sweet post! Losing your dad changed my life too. I'm glad the baking helped some.